Build a smart actor website in 90 seconds! Click here to begin.

Your actor website should load fast

Actor Website sin #13

Thy site should load sometime this century

Web For Actors: Listen, I understand the phrase "less is more", but this ain't it. Google's homepage may have just a big search bar and nothing else, but this should

If your website is not ready for people to see it, it's just not ready

Actor Website sin #12

Thou shalt not confuse me on how to sin your website

Web For Actors: What-a-what? I just gotta say, if your website is not there yet, don't share it with the world. Then again... who knows, maybe you're okay with misspe

Mislabeling your main menu

Actor Website sin #11

Thou shalt know definition of the word "News"

Web For Actors: Imagine going to an ice cream store and requesting a scoop of frosty delight below the cover clearly labeled "blueberry". How would you feel if the sal

Using 3rd party plugins might break your pages

Actor Website sin #10

Thy shalt be careful with thy 3rd party plugins

Web For Actors: Another acting website hosting company giant has taken a "break"... the best part - it's on the website they use as a main example of their actors webs

List titles of your videos

Actor Website sin #9

Thou shalt use words

Web For Actors: When I came to this website, I was so glad that " Video #1 " was listed first. It's a huge pet peeve of mine when " Video #71 " is listed first. What h

Be careful what you put on your image backgrounds

Actor Website sin #8

Thou shalt not make me squint

Web For Actors: I visited a virtual mountain. While there, among other things, I found a teal bird, a teal square-circle, and some other teal objects. I can't really

Lose the visitor counter on your actor website

Actor Website sin #7

Thou shalt stop counting visitors

Web For Actors: Besides the big gap between this counter and the huge ad for Wix on this page, I'm curious about the message that is hidden underneath the counter itse

Be careful with your actor website menu

Actor Website sin #6

Thou shalt not let thy menu collide with thy message

Web For Actors: I came. I saw. I serevvieceeys. I scrolled through this page and I saw a hidden message in the menu. I think it was put there by Satan himself, or ma

Endless scrolling on your actor website

Actor Website sin #5

Thou shalt stop thy website from endless scrolling

Web For Actors: Now, I understand that some of you love the clicking sound of your mouse wheel as you scroll through the endless blank space of your website, or better

Don't ever autoplay your actor reel

Actor Website sin #4

Thou shalt not force thy actor reel onto thy neighbor

Web For Actors: While doing some late night browsing, my speakers were possessed by not one, not two, but three voice-over actors. One spoke about his past cartoons

Too many ADS take focus from YOU

Actor Website sin #3

Thou shalt not have any ads on thy website

Web For Actors: This WIX website is brought to you by some actor, but pay no attention to him, because for only $5 you can get a professional log! #professionallog Oh

Not optimizing your website for a mobile experience

Actor Website sin #2

Thou shalt use font large enough to read

Web For Actors: Somebody get me a magnifying glass, pronto! I need to read this actor's bio. This website was in Flash, so of course I right clicked it and clicked "z

Unpublished SquareSpace website

Actor Website sin #1

Thou shalt not link to unpublished website

Web For Actors: WARNING: this website exploded into a million little pieces. If you'd like to view it's actual content click refresh 27 times at the rate of 3 refreshe

List your actual name in titles on all of your pages

Actor Website sin #0

Thou shalt optimize thy keywords

Web For Actors: I searched for "I <3 NY" and I found this actor website. The least you can do is list your name in all your titles. If people are looking for you,

Clashing colors, ads and more

Actor Website sin #-1

Thou shalt not use clashing colors on thy outdated actor website

Web For Actors: 1990s called. They want their website back. Oh wait, they couldn't call, they were using the phone line for the dial-up. Maybe they faxed? Yes, they fa

Picking a horrid design

Actor Website sin #-2

Thou shalt spare my eyes from further suffering

Web For Actors: Lights! Shiny things! Dots! Sparkly! Where are my sunglasses? This design just screams "GO ELSEWHERE". I had to tone my blur way down, because things

Add an overlay to make text visible on your actor website

Actor Website sin #-3

Thou shalt use overlays for thy headings

Web For Actors: We interrupt this website to bring you a breaking headline. Get it? Headline? Breaking? Ahh, never mind. Here's a great example of a good design, nice

Fonts. Fonts. Fonts.

Actor Website sin #-4

Thou shalt use a font designed within the last 4 score and 7 years

Web For Actors: My fair lady, thy website wast clearly not design'd in this century. Thou shalt hire a new e-scribe! There's absolutely no reason for anyone to pick a

Invisible links

Actor Website sin #-5

Thou shalt fill in the blanks thyself

Web For Actors: Something, something, A VERB, something something A NOUN. Am I reading an actor bio or playing Mad Libs? Believe it or not, this is an example of a we

Your actor website should look professional.

Actor Website sin #-6

Thou shalt not scare thy visitors

Web For Actors: What in the world am I looking at? I'm actually a little scared right now. Did your website just hex me?!! Your actor website should look professional

Outdated look on your actor website

Actor Website sin #-7

Thou shalt not repeat thyself

Web For Actors: This website was probably built at the same time this photo was taken, but can you spot another issue here? Does this actor website look outdated? Ye

Incomplete designs on your actor website.

Actor Website sin #-8

Thou shalt follow through with thy designs

Web For Actors: Incomplete designs on your actor website look unprofessional, and if people see anything like that it will be hard to unsee it. Let's take a look. Ther

Improperly cropped images and empty sidebars

Actor Website sin #-9

Thou shalt not lose thy head

Web For Actors: Here's the last example from this particular competitor. The image that is cropped improperly with the head cut off demonstrating that you will be behe

Add some personality to your actor website

Actor Website sin #-10

Thou shalt add content to thy website

Web For Actors: No shoes, no service. No text, no search engines Simple is good, but sometimes you need more than just 2 videos. I actually like the design a bit. No

Warning! Plugin overload!!!!

Actor Website sin #-11

Thou shalt not overwhelm thy visitors

Web For Actors: Wow. The only plugin missing here is the big abort button. I know you want people to find you on your social media, but don't just stick all the plug

Be careful with the background usage

Actor Website sin #-12

Thou shalt be careful about thy bio placement

Web For Actors: Disclaimer: I normally don't do this, but I reached out to this girl and let her know that this is happening, because... well, you can see why. I did

Contact a who?

Actor Website sin #-13

Thou shalt be more specific

Web For Actors: If you don't have a contact form at least list the full name of your talent agencies. Contact a who? I swear that I did not edit the names of the co

Disappearing menu

Actor Website sin #-14

Thou shalt offer clearer guidance

Web For Actors: Now you see me, now you don't. The magic trick of a disappearing menu. When I first landed on this actor website I thought there was no menu, just a

The sneaky Weebly

Actor Website sin #-15

Thou shalt not allow Weebly to take advantage of thou

Web For Actors: Most attractive thing on your actor website shouldn't be a form to register for a website! I was going to pick on the menu on this website which wasn

Navigation is Important!

Actor Website sin #-16

Thou shalt not hide your navigation!

Web For Actors: Someone on Twitter said, what do you think of my Actor Website. I click on the videos section first and... I guess I'm done. Hmm... what should I comp

"Clueless" is a title of a movie, not a designer skill!

Actor Website sin #-67

Thou shalt spellcheck thyself before thou wreck thyself

Web For Actors: This actor website was found on Instagram and I'm actually a bit angry with the designer. Design is quite nice, BUT at the very moment I read "Contac

The Importance of User Experience: A Guide for Actors

09.20.2024 Achieving On-Screen Success: How to Leverage User Experience for Acting Success
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Building a Strong Online Brand: Tips for Actors

09.06.2024 Grow Your Acting Career with an Unforgettable Online Presence: Proven Strategies for Actors
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Actor Website helper: Bottie

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